Track Details

of Hyderabad on 24/11/2023

Sand Track

Rising Tycoon (Mohit S) in 59s; (600m) 44s. Fit.
Windsor (Afroz K) in 1-2s; (600m) 46s. Moved well. 
Stoic Hero (Rb) in 59s; (600m) 44s. Moved well. 
Tortilla Chip (P Sai Kumar) in 1-2s; (600m) 47s. Easy. 
Solar Princess (Deepak S) in 59s; (600m) 43s. Fit. 
See My Spark (K Mukesh) in 1-2s; (600m) 45s. Easy.  
Briar Ridge (Santhosh R) in 1-1s; (600m) 45s. Easy. 

Starwalt (Rb) and    
Pair Of Wings (Mohit S) in 1-2s; (600m) 46s. They were level. 

Reigning Beauty (L Appu) in 1-14s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 43s. Very fit.
Sacred Bond (Afroz Khan) in 1-17s; (800m) 1-2s; (600m) 46s. Fit.  
Barbet (Deepak S) They were level. Both were easy.    

Dali's Destiny (Rb) in 1-14s; (800m) 58s; (600m) 44s. They were level. Both worked well.